Blepharitis is a condition in which the eyelids become inflamed as a result of normal bacteria growing out of control along the lash lines of the eyelids. As the eyelids are not easy to clean this layer of bacteria, biofilm, debris and scurf accumulates over the years, leading to damage of the tear glands and eyelids. Blepharitis can be caused by an infestation of Demodex mites which live around the base of the lashes. Blepharitis causes symptoms of redness and irritation and is a common cause of dry eyes.
The damaged meibomian glands produce abnormally thick secretions which can cause evaporative dry eyes and eyelid cyst formation. If you have meibomian gland dysfunction it can be treated by using an Optase moist heat mask or by receiving FDA-approved Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy. Lids with blepharitis can be cleaned daily using preservative-free Optase wipes, which contain tea tree oil, camomile, hyaluronic acid and aloe vera, to gently clean the lids and lashes.
The inflamed, crusted and flaky eyelids associated with blepharitis can be effectively treated at the clinic with BlephEx, which uses a soft spinning sponge to micro-exfoliate, to help settle the condition.