Saurabh Ghosh M.B.B.S., Dip. Ophthalmology, MRCOphth, FRCOphth (London) is leading Consultant ophthalmologist specialising in Refractive lens exchange and Laser Eye surgery in the North East of England. He specialises in Lens based vision correction surgery with premium lens to correct distance and near vision, Laser eye surgery, Cataract surgery, Corneal transplant surgery and other corneal surgery.
Lens Surgery / Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE)
Remove the need for glasses, or contact lenses, with a lens replacement.
Refractive Lens Exchange, or clear lens extraction, is essentially the same procedure as carried out with a cataract extraction (except that the removed lens has no cataract and is therefore clear) combined with the insertion of a special implant lens which can correct your vision for distance and near.
Our Site for Eyes refractive service provides expert laser eye surgery, cataract surgery and refractive lens exchange.
Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed ophthalmic surgical procedure Worldwide. Technological advances in equipment and techniques together with the development of foldable intraocular implants have resulted in the ability to perform small incision, sutureless cataract extraction and implant insertion, with a very low risk of complications. This form of surgery has been taken one step further with Refractive Lens Exchange which removes the clear natural lens and replaces it with an intraocular lens . The power of the implant to be inserted is calculated to give as close a final prescription to zero as possible, thereby correcting the underlying refractive error.
Refractive Lens Exchange is an alternative procedure for patients (usually over the age of 40) who may prove to be unsuitable for excimer laser surgery (especially individuals with high degrees of short sight or long sight that may be beyond the safe treatment limits with excimer laser). It may also be a more appropriate procedure for individuals who have early signs of cataract development. Newer types of implants, such as accommodating multi-focal lenses, can help give suitable patients not only good distance vision but also good near vision without the need for glasses. It is also possible to use toric implants to correct astigmatism.
The Process
During your first clinic visit your consultant will ask about your general medical history and specific eye problems. You will have a thorough eye examination and precise refraction to determine the best type of refractive surgery for you. If refractive lens exchange is your best option, together we will decide on the best new lens for you.
You will have a surgery assessment appointment with our Cataract Sister who will explain in detail all about the refractive lens exchange operation and follow-up. She will take detailed measurements of your eyes to determine the required power of your new lens.
Refractive lens exchange operations are performed under local anaesthetic, the eye will be numbed using drops and/or an injection and you will be awake throughout surgery. If you would like sedation we can arrange this with one of our consultant anaesthetists. You should not feel any pain or discomfort.
During the lens surgery, the consultant will open the outer lining of the natural lens to remove the contents using an ultrasound machine and lots of water. A new artificial lens will then be placed inside the eye allowing you to see more clearly. You will go home with drops to take.
Why MY Eye Clinic?
My Eye Clinic can provide expert consultant assessment of cataracts. If you have not previously had refractive surgery, the initial appointment for cataract surgery, or refractive lens exchange, is free.
My Eye Clinic can offer toric lenses which correct astigmatism and multifocal lenses can offer corrected vision for distance, intermediate and near vision.
My Eye Clinic has a full refractive service, Site for Eyes, which offers laser eye surgery (LASIK/LASEK), clear lens extractions and cataract surgery with special lenses (toric/multifocal).
My Eye Clinic has a new operating theatre fully-equipped with the latest generation cataract machine (Alcon Centurion Gold), an excellent operating microscope and a new (Dorc Nexus) combined cataract and vitrectomy machine.
Your Consultants
The price for the surgery is inclusive of post-op medication and all follow-up appointments, within 3 years of surgery. All patients that require YAG laser, following cataract surgery, or refractive lens exchange, at MY Eye Clinic, will have the procedure performed free of charge if it is within 3 years of surgery.
Refractive lens extraction with standard monofocal lens
Refractive lens extraction with toric monofocal lens
Refractive lens extraction with Panoptix® multifocal lens
Refractive lens extraction with Vivity® multifocal lens
Refractive lens extraction with Panoptix® toric multifocal lens
Multifocal IOLs provide a higher likelihood of some degree of uncorrected near vision for social purposes. More than 90% of patients with these lenses will be independent of near vision spectacles. Patients may however require reading glasses when performing prolonged near vision tasks, particularly with small print in dim light. Patients may have a small increased risk of experiencing halos around lights at night (15%) and decreased contrast in low light conditions. Glasses may still be required post operatively to give the best vision for distance and / or near.
1% risk of visual loss (e.g. due to PC rupture, CMO etc.)
Significant biometry error (1%), resulting in over or under correction, → residual ametropia
Possible need for enhancement surgery (LVC, piggy-back IOL, IOL exchange)
Posterior capsule opacification requiring YAG capsulotomy (5-10%)
Glare, halos and decreased night vision
Rare, but potentially sight threatening complications (e.g. endophthalmitis, retinal detachment).
Presbyopia. The need for reading glasses (especially with a monofocal IOL)