Rejuvenate your look in Newcastle with our aesthetic treatments

Our aesthetic treatments use advanced techniques to smooth wrinkles and restore a youthful glow, helping you look as vibrant as you feel

Rejuvenate your look in Newcastle with our aesthetic treatments

Our aesthetic treatments use advanced techniques to smooth wrinkles and restore a youthful glow, helping you look as vibrant as you feel

Transform your appearance with our expert aesthetic treatments

Discover tailored solutions for smoother skin, enhanced confidence, and a naturally refreshed look.

Your consultation is an important part of your treatment journey with us. This allows us time to get to know you, your lifestyle, discuss areas of concern and your desired results. This helps to ensure we prescribe the most appropriate treatment pathway for you.

The Process
Your consultation includes a comprehensive medical history and analysis of the areas to be treated.

Our experienced medical practitioner will complete a photographic assessment and discuss with you any recommended treatments.

We will work with you to develop your individual treatment plan.

We will take time to listen to any questions you may have and discuss consent to treatment.

Why My Eye Clinic?

  • All aesthetic treatments are carried out by an experienced medical professional
  • We offer only the best and safest techniques
  • We aim to provide you with the most natural results, enhancing your natural beauty
  • You can be confident you are in the safest hands.

Aesthetic Consultation- £25

This is a non-surgical procedure for restoring and improving the appearance of the face, from the forehead, along the jawline and to the neck, very effectively.

The procedure enhances and restores facial contours by:

  • Restoring facial symmetry
  • Reviving or in some cases, recreating the jawline
  • Defining cheekbones
  • Brightening and accentuating the eyes
  • Softening the tear troughs
  • Lifting the brows
  • Filling the ageing hollows of the temples
  • Lifting and firming the skin, including the neck area
  • Rejuvenating the lips and mouth

The Process
Following a full consultation with one of our expert medical practitioners in facial aesthetics, your procedure will be tailored to you.

Your treatment will consist of strategic placement of volumiser (Juvederm VOLUMA), treatment of Botox® , customised dermal fillers and medical skincare.

The treatment is completed over several sessions. This allows us to synchronise correctly the treatment required to treat your individual concerns, helping us to achieve a natural, long-lasting result which will leave you looking refreshed, rejuvenated, and replenished.

You will continue with the medical skincare at home, ensuring you get long-lasting results from your treatment.

The repeated use of facial muscles throughout our lifetime causes the skin to become creased in areas of greatest use and you may start to notice the appearance of fine lines under the eyes, crow’s feet, and wrinkles on the forehead.

As we age, the production of collagen and elastin slows down and these areas of overuse become damaged, and the lines become permanent. Botox® treatment reduces the movement of muscles in these areas, preventing the skin becoming creased allowing the area to recover resulting in deep lines being softened and even helping soft lines to fade away in some instances.

Botox® injections are utilised to soften the appearance of deep and dynamic lines and sometimes erase fine lines all together.

The injections cause interfering of communication between the nerve impulse and the muscle. Small quantities are injected directly into the muscle which can make the final result look natural therefore making the treatment very safe and effective.

Botox® is a neurotoxin, which blocks the release of acetylcholine, and when injected accurately into the muscle, it interferes with the signal, which prevents the muscle from fully contracting. The injections, which are purified and used in very small quantities, are directly injected into the muscle. It cannot produce any permanent damage or travel within the body.

On average, the results from treatment tend to last 3 – 4 months although some patients may experience results that last a little shorter or longer than this time.

The Process

Prior to treatment, you will attend an Aesthetic Consultation with our Facial Aesthetic Clinician. Here we will discuss with you in detail your medical history, concerns and desired result and go through treatment, ensuring you are a safe and suitable candidate for Botox® treatment.

On the day of treatment we will review your treatment plan before proceeding to treat the areas agreed.

Small quantities of Botox® are injected directly into the muscle.

If this is your first treatment with us, we will ask to see you in clinic again 2 – 3 weeks following treatment to ensure we have achieved the desired results from your treatment.

Why MY Eye Clinic?

MY Eye Clinic’s Facial Aesthetics Clinician is Richard Peppiatt.

Richard has been MasterClass Certified at Distinction Level by globally renowned doctors Dr Raj Aquilla in 2010 and Dr Eccleston in 2017. He has also undergone training from Dr Mauricio De Maio, Dr Arthur Swift, Dr Tapan Ptel, Dr Koen De Bouelle and Cosmetic Nurse Specialist Malti Maloney.

Richard also spent one-year post graduation working in a clinic in Harley Street London to enhance his skills in facial aesthetics. Richard is a highly skilled registered nurse prescriber. With a vast experience in aesthetics, you can rest assured you have chosen a highly qualified advanced practitioner in facial aesthetics.


Botox® treatments are charged per area:

  • One area- £150
  • Two areas- £250
  • Three areas- £300


As with any treatment there can be side effects from Botox® but these are usually minimal and settle quickly. Common risks include bruising redness, swelling, pain and tenderness.

Serious problems are rare but can include:

Swelling, bruising, pain, headaches and flu-like symptoms

Rare complications include double vision, droop of mouth or eyelid. These are almost always transient.

As well as changes in texture, elasticity and thickness, aging skin can undergo various pigmentary changes.

Sun Spots are usually circular flat tan-coloured pigmented spots, called solar lentigines (also known as liver or age spots). Sun spots are the result of frequent, excess or cumulative sun exposure, are the result of sun damage. Patients with sun spots tend to be of fair complexion. Without treatment sun spots do not fade, instead they grow and darken over time.

Rosacea is a chronic vascular skin condition which presents as redness of the face and sometimes of the neck and chest. The vascular component of rosacea can vary from flushing to permanent redness (telangectasia) with many fine superficial blood vessels

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment improves hyperpigmentation, brown spots, texture redness and fine lines. IPL emits a range of wavelengths of light that are converted into heat energy in the melanin-rich pigmented cells, resulting in lightened skin. Using special filters IPL can also treat the fine blood vessels associated with rosacea. The latest version of the Lumenis M22 (OptiLight) IPL has been designed with specific settings for the treatment of sun spots and vascular lesions (like rosacesa). This treatment has no downtime or recovery, although you are advised to use proper sun protection following treatment.

Learn more about IPL treatment with Richard Peppiatt.

The Process
Prior to treatment, you will attend an Aesthetic Consultation with our Facial Aesthetic Clinician. Here we will discuss with you in detail your medical history, your skin type, concerns and desired result and go through treatment, ensuring you are a safe and suitable candidate for IPL treatment.

On the day of treatment we will review your treatment plan before proceeding to treat the areas agreed.

Treatments are carried out in our operating theatre suite. You will recline on a couch and your eyes will be protected with special goggles. Cool soothing gel is applied to the treatment area. The skin is treated with intense pulsed light in several passes.

We will ask to see you in clinic again 2 – 3 weeks for your next treatment. A course of treatments is required to achieve the desired results.

Take our short survey about rosacea treatment.

Why MY Eye Clinic?

MY Eye Clinic’s Facial Aesthetics Clinician is Richard Peppiatt.

Richard has been MasterClass Certified at Distinction Level by globally renowned doctors Dr Raj Aquilla in 2010 and Dr Eccleston in 2017. He has also undergone training from Dr Mauricio De Maio, Dr Arthur Swift, Dr Tapan Ptel, Dr Koen De Bouelle and Cosmetic Nurse Specialist Malti Maloney.

Richard also spent one-year post graduation working in a clinic in Harley Street London to enhance his skills in facial aesthetics. Richard is a highly skilled registered nurse prescriber. With a vast experience in aesthetics, you can rest assured you have chosen a highly qualified advanced practitioner in facial aesthetics.

IPL treatments are charged per area:

  • Single small area treatments or an additional small area treatment
    • Age Spots, Sun Spots, Redness, Port White Stains, Vascular Lesions, Hair removal
    • £95 – £150
  • One session treatments – one area
    • Photo rejuvenation, Rosacea, Redness, Vascular Lesions, Acne, Freckles, Pigmentation, Hair removal (under arms etc)
    • £250
  • One session treatments – two areas
    • Photo rejuvenation or Skin Rejuvenation face and neck, Neck & Décolleté. Hair removal 2 areas – under arms and back etc
    • £350
  • Course of 6 treatments – one area
    • Photo rejuvenation, Rosacea, Redness, Vascular Lesions, Acne, Freckles, Pigmentation, Hair Removal (under arms etc)
    • £1250
  • Course of 6 treatments – two areas
    • Photo rejuvenation, Rosacea, Redness, Vascular Lesions, Acne, Freckles, Pigmentation, Hair Removal (under arms etc)
    • £1750


As with any treatment there can be side effects from IPL but these are usually minimal and settle quickly. Common risks include very mild ” sun-burn” with redness, swelling, pain and tenderness.

Other side effects of IPL treatment are uncommon but do include:

  • Pain/discomfort
  • Damage to natural skin texture
  • Change of pigmentation
  • Burn, scarring, swelling & bruising
  • Itching and dry skin

Our face ages due to changes in several types of tissue: these include skin, fat, muscle and bone. When we age our bone is being reabsorbed causing the skull to become smaller (shrinks) creating a change to the shape of the face. Fat pads shrink and descend due to changes in structural support, hyperactive muscles, and skin elasticity. These changing factors in combination cause sagging.

Dermal fillers are a bulking agent used to create volume and correct sagging skin. They are a gel type substance containing hyaluronic acid, which is found naturally in the skin and synthetically produced as a pure product. Used as a filling agent, dermal fillers can help smooth out wrinkles, volumise and lift tissue to help reduce sagging and face shape changes that can happen due to ageing.

With dermal fillers, depending on your age and volume loss, you can replenish skin volume, regain a youthful curve to the cheeks, and produce a higher, firmer facial contour.

Common areas we treat include: cheeks, lips (augmentation and upper lip lines), nose to mouth lines, glabellar lines, chin augmentation, jaw contouring, nose reshaping, temples, tear troughs, neck and decolletage.

The Process

Prior to treatment, you will attend an Aesthetic Consultation with our Facial Aesthetic Clinician Richard Peppiatt, a highly skilled Nurse Prescriber. Here we will discuss with you in detail your medical history, concerns and desired result and go through treatment, ensuring you are a safe and suitable candidate for Dermal Filler treatment.

On the day of treatment we will review your treatment plan before proceeding to treat the areas agreed.

Small quantities of dermal filler are injected into different areas of the face under the surface of the skin.

If this is your first treatment with us, we will ask to see you in clinic again 2 – 3 weeks following treatment to ensure we have achieved the desired results from your treatment.

Why MY Eye Clinic?

We work only with premium brands such as Juvederm and Restylane. All fillers used contain hyaluronic acid only, our Facial Aesthetic Clinician Richard feels after using this type of filler for so many years now the effects of this naturally occurring substance provides very natural results. You also have the confidence that the results of treatment can be reversed should you be unhappy with the outcome.

All products used create safe, predictable, effective results reducing the signs of ageing by providing lift, volume and hydration to the face.

Richard believes the best results are achieved by injecting small amounts into different areas of the face under the surface of the skin.Richard Peppiatt has been MasterClass Certified at Distinction Level by globally renowned doctors Dr Raj Aquilla in 2010 and Dr Eccleston in 2017. He has also undergone training from Dr Mauricio De Maio, Dr Arthur Swift, Dr Tapan Ptel, Dr Koen De Bouelle and Cosmetic Nurse Specialist Malti Maloney.

Richard also spent one-year post graduation working in a clinic in Harley Street London to enhance his skills in facial aesthetics.

Dermal Fillers- from £175


As with any treatment there can be side effects from dermal fillers but these are usually minimal and settle quickly. Common risks include bruising redness, swelling, pain and tenderness.

Serious problems are rare, but can include:

  • Infection
  • Lumpy appearance under the skin which might need treatment with medicines or surgery
  • Filler moving from the intended treatment area which may require surgical treatment
  • Scarring
  • Blocked blood vessels in the face, which can cause tissue death and permanent blindness.

Discovered in 1952 by French Physician Dr Michael Pistor, Mesotherapy is an exciting medical procedure used by women worldwide to help improve their skin texture, to treat abnormal fat accumulation, along with cellulite on parts of the body. A course of mesotherapy treatments is always recommended to give optimum results.

Mesotherapy works by melting the fat in the skin and breaks up the network of connective tissue fibres that form trapping fat cells and resulting cellulite. The medicine is injected into the cellulite or fatty tissue to improve circulation of lymphatic and venous drainage by increasing metabolism of the injected area. The fat dissolves and, as occurs when fat is broken down during typical weight loss, is carried through the bloodstream and excreted by kidneys and bowel. Therefore, very little, if any medicine reaches the general circulation and in any case the level is so low that it has no effect on the rest of the body.

Mesotherapy is also a highly effective rejuvenating treatment. The procedure can be used to tone and tighten sagging skin on the neck, legs, abdomen, arms and hands.

What is cellulite?
The medical term for cellulite is Dermatomyoliposclerosis (DMLS). Cellulite results from a combination of fatty tissue and water retention. Typically (although not exclusively) a female concern, it can affect women of all ages irrespective of their weight. In women, fat cells on the lower part of the body store fat six times more readily than those on the upper body. They also release fat cells six times less readily.

Cellulite appears in the subcutaneous level of skin tissue and is often visible on the hips, buttocks and legs. Fat cells are arranged in chambers surrounded by connective tissue called septae. As water is retained, fat cells held within the perimeters of this area expand and stretch connective tissue. Eventually this connective tissue contracts and hardens (sclerosis) holding the skin at a non-flexible length, while the surrounding tissue continues to expand with weight, or water gain. This results in areas of the skin being held down while other sections bulge outward, resulting in the lumpy appearance.

What causes cellulite?

  • Poor arterial or venous circulation
  • Problems with lymphatic drainage
  • Weight gain, crash diets or poor nutrition
  • Genetic predisposition to fat accumulation
  • Inevitable hormone changes throughout life
  • Structure of the skin
  • Lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle
  • Smoking
  • Stress

The Process
Prior to treatment, you will attend an Aesthetic Consultation with our Aesthetic Clinician. Here we will discuss with you in detail your medical history, concerns and desired result and go through treatment, ensuring you are a safe and suitable candidate for Mesotherapy treatment. In some instances, treatment can be carried out immediately following consultation.
On the day of treatment we will review your treatment plan before proceeding to treat the areas agreed.
Treatment involves multiple injections of a natural or synthetic solution to destroy or prevent fat cells from storing fat.
We will see you back in the clinic for your ongoing course of treatment as per your treatment plan. Mesotherapy is performed once or twice a week over a period of 4 to 8 weeks.

Why MY Eye Clinic?
When treating patients, our main aim is to help them with their own personal concerns, rectifying the area in question in order to restore confidence. This begins with an Aesthetic Consultation followed by a personalised treatment plan designed to ensure the best possible results, using the best brands and the latest treatments available in aesthetic medicine. Each treatment is tailored to meet the individual needs of the patient.

Mesotherapy- from £100

A common side effect of Mesotherapy is bruising, which generally resolves after a week.

Mesotharapy can be a little uncomfortable, but not painful.

It is best to avoid contact with the sun directly after treatment as this may produce pigmentation.

Mesolift is the practice of injecting vitamins, minerals, medications, and amino acids just under the surface of the skin. This infusion nourishes and rejuvenates the skin whilst also restimulating collagen and elastin production, both essential for skin’s natural elasticity. Treatment areas include the whole face and neck, décolleté, and hands.

Mesolift will help diminish wrinkles, rejuvenate skin, and restore a youthful appearance. It can instantly improve dull, tired looking skin, hydrating from within and prolonging youthful skin.

Vitamins C, D and E replenish skin of any deficiency and work as strong antioxidants to stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis and improve immune function of skin. Minerals help reinforce biological metabolism of skin and therefore improve function, circulation, and elimination of toxins. Amino acids help form structural molecular elements in proteins and therefore allow more efficient construction of the strong architectural foundation found in youthful skin. Coenzymes are used to help activate biochemical reactions and nucleic acid serve to stimulate natural synthesis of proteins. All these ingredients are depleted in skin, which has suffered premature ageing. Out of all the ingredients used in mesolift procedures, hyaluronic acid (HA) is the most valued.

Mesolift is a very effective treatment to help restore and improve clarity, tone and texture of the skin around the eyes especially, along with fading fine lines and wrinkles around the eye area. It can also be used to enhance the effects of other aesthetic treatments such as Botox and Dermal Fillers.

The Process
Prior to treatment, you will attend an Aesthetic Consultation with our Facial Aesthetic Clinician. Here we will discuss with you in detail your medical history, concerns and desired result and go through treatment, ensuring you are a safe and suitable candidate for Mesolift treatment.

On the day of treatment we will review your treatment plan before proceeding to treat the areas agreed.

Treatment involves injecting a medical cocktail, which is customised according to your skin’s needs, based on hyaluronic acid with antioxidants including vitamins, minerals, plants, and elastin. This can instantly improve dull, tired looking skin, hydrating from within and prolonging youthful skin.

We will see you back in the clinic for your ongoing treatment plan. Treatments are recommended every 3 months. If you are new to mesolift then 3 treatments spaced out 2 weeks apart are highly recommended, depending on the condition of your skin. Your body will slowly develop collagen and elastin over time.

Why MY Eye Clinic?
When treating patients, our main aim is to help them with their own personal concerns, rectifying the area in question in order to restore confidence. This begins with an Aesthetic Consultation followed by a personalised treatment plan designed to ensure the best possible results, using the best brands and the latest treatments available in aesthetic medicine. Each treatment is tailored to meet the individual needs of the patient.

Mesolift (per session)- £175

The Obagi Blue Peel is a chemical skin peel which is used to remove and exfoliate the top layers of skin, revealing a brighter, healthier looking complexion. The Blue Peel is used in conjunction with the Obagi Nu-Derm System. Use of the Nu-Derm System pre and post procedure helps to improve important skin cell functions and reduce down-time.

Obagi Blue Peel utilises TCA (trichloroacetic acid) mixed with a non-ionic blue glycerin base that allows precise depth control.

Patients will be required to complete a minimum of 6 weeks of the Nu-Derm system prior to treatment, this will be discussed during the Aesthetic Consultation.

Who should consider an Obagi Blue Peel?

Those who would like to improve:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Epidermal and dermal pigmentation problems
  • Superficial acne scarring
  • Large pores and comedones (white-heads)
  • Solar keratoses
  • Skin laxity and uneven texture

The Process
Prior to treatment, you will attend an Aesthetic Consultation with our Facial Aesthetic Clinician Richard Peppiatt, a highly skilled Nurse Prescriber. Here we will discuss with you in detail your medical history, concerns and desired result and go through treatment, ensuring you are a safe and suitable candidate for Obagi Blue Peel treatment.

On the day of treatment we will review your treatment plan before proceeding to treat the areas agreed.Mild analgesia (e.g. paracetamol/ ibuprofen) is recommended for this treatment.

TCA is mixed with Obagi Blue Peel base (total volume 4-6ml), 1 – 2 coats are applied to the area (5 – 10 applications). Comfort is achieved using a cooled air jet. The procedure takes between 30 – 60 minutes to complete.

A blue colour will persist on the skin until the peeling is complete. Peeling begins at days 2 – 3 and completes by days 10 – 14. Please follow aftercare advice below. Results will be noticeable 6 weeks after treatment.

Aftercare Advice
It is important you allow the skin to peel naturally – DO NOT pick or pull skin fragments

  • Apply Obagi Action or Comfort Gel to tight, dry or itchy skin
  • Try a cold compress for swelling and inflammation
  • Simple analgesia (paracetamol/ ibuprofen) is recommended initially
  • Makeup may be applied to new skin after 7 days
  • Avoid sun exposure without wearing a minimum of SPF35 for at least 6 weeks
  • Resume Obagi Nu-Derm maintenance once peeling complete

Why MY Eye Clinic?
Assessment and treatment for the Obagi Blue Peel is carried out by Richard Peppiatt. Richard has over 12 years of experience working with Obagi and is proud to be the North East Ambassador for Obagi.

When treating patients, our main aim is to help them with their own personal concerns, rectifying the area in question in order to restore confidence. This begins with an Aesthetic Consultation followed by a personalised treatment plan designed to ensure the best possible results, using the best brands and the latest treatments available in aesthetic medicine. Each treatment is tailored to meet the individual needs of the patient.

Obagi Blue Peel- £350 to £650 – depending upon the strength of peel required

Possible side effects include:

  • Redness and swelling is COMMON
  • Skin infections are LESS COMMON – readily treated with antibiotics
  • Post peel eruption of cold sores are RARE – treatable with Hydroquinone cream
  • Scarring is VERY RARE

Facial skin is an indicator of our overall health and healthy, glowing skin can make us feel great. It is important we treat our skin properly to maintain health and vitality. Through our personalised skincare plan, we will help you to transform your skin health.

Following a thorough consultation, we will prescribe you with an effective Obagi Medical skincare programme which may include Obagi Medical treatment recommendations. Utilising Obagi Medical skin health principles, not only will we aim to improve the appearance of your skin, but we will also improve skin health, self-esteem, and quality of life.

Obagi has been voted number one in the world for medical skin health. Offering a range of products which have been specifically formulated to transform the skin from within. You will be left with younger, healthier-looking and feeling skin. With products to help with fine lines, wrinkles, melasma (dark spots), hyper-pigmentation, laxity and uneven texture and targeted treatment for acne, the product range is designed and tested for every skin type.

To ensure your Obagi Medical skin care product purchase is genuine, you should only purchase this through authorised medical practices.

How does it work?
“Obagi for life” is our commitment to you and a lifetime of healthy, beautiful skin. Obagi’s role as a worldwide leader in skin health is based upon a belief that regardless of your age or skin type, there truly is an Obagi for everyone.

During your consultation with our Aesthetic Medical Practitioner, you will explore the extensive line of clinically-proven skincare systems and products which are designed to help you revitalise, enhance, and maintain beautiful skin for life.

Why MY Eye Clinic?
Obagi Medical skincare is prescribed following consultation with Richard Peppiatt. Richard has over 12 years’ experience with Obagi and is now their lead North East Ambassador. Richard specialises in complex skin conditions, whether it requires a topical prescription skincare product routine or a combination of prescription cream and chemical peel treatments to achieve improvement of stubborn acne, strong pigmentation or ageing skin. Richard will carry out a thorough skin assessment including a discussion of your medical history. He will then work with you to prescribe the appropriate treatment of your skin.

Richard has a vast knowledge of the Obagi Medical skin care range and in his 12 years of working with the products, he has helped many patients regain confidence in their skin. The Obagi Medical skincare range and treatments provide superb results for patients of all ages, ethnicities and genders.

Skincare Systems Available

  • Obagi Nu-Derm System
  • £195 Trial Kit/ £425 Large Kit
    • The Nu-Derm System is an anti-ageing therapy that penetrates below the skin’s surface to transform skin cell functions at the cellular level and correct the damage within revealing healthy, younger-looking skin. Products can be tailored to your skin type if you have more dry or oily skin.
    • Skin ageing is a natural process, but daily sun exposure can contribute to premature ageing, slowing down the turnover of skin cells between healthy new cells and old damaged cells. The Nu-Derm System combined with tretinoin is clinically proven to help address the signs of ageing in all skin types.
      • Nu-Derm is ideal if you have:
      • Age spots
      • Fine lines and wrinkles
      • Rough skin
      • Skin laxity (loss of elasticity)
      • Erythema (redness)
      • Sallowness (yellowish complexion)
      • Hyperpigmentation (discolouration)
  • Obagi-C Rx System – £335
    • With Obagi-C Rx, you’re on your way to softer, smoother, radiant, and more even skin. The Obagi-C Rx System offers the benefits of both prescription-strength 4% hydroquinone and powerful antioxidant Vitamin C to address the signs of skin damage and help restore and maintain younger-looking skin.
    • Obagi-C System products are ideal if you have:
      • Minimal fine lines and wrinkles
      • Mild to moderate unevenness of skin tone
      • Mild to moderate discolouration and age spots
      • Dry, normal, or oily skin
      • This product comes in 3 variations:
        • Normal to dry
        • Normal to oily
        • Sun protection
  • Obagi Professional-C Serum – from £65
    • Help combat the signs of skin damage with the power of vitamin C!
    • As “the most important skin antioxidant”, vitamin C offers many benefits:
      • Complements collagen synthesis
      • Calms inflammation
      • Brightens skin
      • Retains moisture
      • Enhances UV protection
      • Stabilises vitamin E
  • Obagi ELASTIderm Eye Treatment – £105
    • Finally! A one-of-a-kind eye product that really works to rebuild the appearance of youthful eyes. The ELASTIderm Eye products line includes Eye Cream, Eye Gel, and Complete Complex Serum, helping to revitalise the skin around your eyes with clinically proven ingredients.
      • Eye Cream
        • Smooth, rich cream for normal to dry skin.
        • Bi-mineral complex and malonic acid: for tighter, smoother-looking skin around the eyes
        • Blueberry extract: provides antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals
        • Penetrating Therapeutics™: an Obagi technology that drives ingredients deep into the skin to help achieve optimal results
      • Eye Gel
        • Cool, fluid gel for normal to oily skin.
        • Bi-mineral complex and malonic acid: for tighter, smoother-looking skin around the eyes
        • Blueberry extract: provides antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals
        • Penetrating Therapeutics™: and Obagi technology that drives ingredients deep into the skin to help achieve optimal results
      • Complete Complex Serum
        • A targeted serum that helps refresh the delicate skin around the eyes with soothing, innovative rollerball technology and clinically proven ingredients:
        • Bi-mineral complex and malonic acid: for tighter, smoother-looking skin around the eyes
        • Caffeine: reduces the appearance of under-eye puffiness
        • Soothing, innovative rollerball technology: optimises the delivery of the serum for firmer, youthful-looking eyes
  • Obagi ELASTIderm Décolletage System – £160
    • While you may have diligently maintained the skin on your face for years, you may not have paid as much attention to the skin on your chest and neck. However, the skin on your décolletage is particularly vulnerable to visible signs of ageing, since it tends to be thinner, less moisturised, and often overlooked in the sun protection regime. Revitalise your décolletage with the ELASTIderm Décolletage System for flawless, younger-looking skin.
      • Clinically Proven System for a Lighter and Tighter Appearance
        • Effective regime specifically formulated to revitalise the appearance of delicate skin on your chest and neck.
      • ELASTIderm Décolletage System
        • Complete system with 2 effective products to help improve the signs of skin ageing on your chest and neck.
      • Skin Lightening Complex
        • Formulated with 4% hydroquinone to revitalise the appearance of the skin by reducing dark spots and freckles.
          Valid prescription required.
      • Wrinkle Reducing Lotion
        • Featuring a proprietary bi-mineral complex to help improve elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Obagi CLENZiderm M.D. System – £145
    • The CLENZIderm M.D. System is a clinically proven acne skin care system that contains a unique formulation of ingredients, including 5% benzoyl peroxide (BPO) and salicylic acid, that penetrate deep into the skin and target acne where it starts.
    • This clinically proven acne treatment is available in 2 custom sets, Normal to Dry System and Normal to Oily System, based on skin type.
  • Obagi Rosaclear System – £205
    • It is the first and only complete therapeutic system developed specifically for treating the signs and symptoms of rosacea. The all-in-one system is designed to effectively reduce redness and flushing, along with treating papules and pustules (acne-like pimples), to help rosacea patients achieve a clearer, calmer and more balanced-looking complexion.
      • Effectively meeting the needs of rosacea patients with an all-in-one system that:
        • Treats redness and flushing, as well as inflammatory papules and pustules (acne-like pimples)
        • Reduces the appearance of redness and blotchiness
        • Helps achieve a clearer, calmer, more balanced looking complexion
        • Provides gentle, non-comedogenic skin care to calm and protect inflamed, irritated skin
        • Delivers immediate benefits with continued improvement
Richard Peppiatt Aesthetic Practitioner

Richard Peppiatt

Aesthetic Practitioner

Reveal Your radiance with expert aesthetic treatment

Contact us today and take the first step toward a refreshed, confident you

Reveal Your radiance with expert aesthetic treatment

Contact us today and take the first step toward a refreshed, confident you

Discover a more youthful you in 3 simple steps

Aesthetic treatments can feel overwhelming with so many options available. We’ve made the journey simple and stress-free

Step 1: Get in touch

Not everyone is suited for every aesthetic treatment. The first step is finding out what works best for you. Call our friendly team at 0191 917 8887 or use our contact form to book a consultation.

Step 2: We'll meet

During your consultation, we’ll answer your questions and recommend treatments tailored to your goals and lifestyle. Whether it’s Botox, fillers, IPL, or a non-surgical facelift, you’ll leave with clarity and confidence about the options right for you.

Step 3: Enjoy freedom

After treatment, clients often share how amazed they are by their refreshed appearance and newfound confidence. Whether it’s smoothing fine lines, rejuvenating your skin, or enhancing your facial contours, most people say they wish they’d done it sooner!

Join thousands who’ve gained freedom from glasses and contacts

Discover how they ditched their dependence and see how you can, too
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“The whole experience, from my initial telephone enquiry, the consultation and the procedure, to the follow up appointment was first class.”

George B
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“So helpful and reassuring!”

Holly R
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Absolutely totally professional service from start to finish.”

Duncan A
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Very professional team with a high standard of care.”

Rohit L

We have replaced the images of real patients who provided these testimonials to protect their privacy.

Hi, I’m Rob Boyce

After training as an engineer and research scientist, I pursued medicine at Nottingham University, followed by advanced ophthalmology training. With over 20 years as a Consultant Ophthalmologist specialising in Oculoplastic and Lacrimal Surgery, I’m committed to delivering the highest quality care at MY Eye Clinic, using cutting-edge techniques and patient-centred care.

Mr Rob Boyce

Founder and Owner of MY Eye Clinic