Saurabh Ghosh M.B.B.S., Dip. Ophthalmology, MRCOphth, FRCOphth (London) is leading Consultant ophthalmologist specialising in Refractive lens exchange and Laser Eye surgery in the North East of England. He specialises in Lens based vision correction surgery with premium lens to correct distance and near vision, Laser eye surgery, Cataract surgery, Corneal transplant surgery and other corneal surgery.
Mr Ghosh qualified in Medicine from University of Calcutta, India, and after obtaining his M.B.B.S. degree, he did the specialist registrar training in Ophthalmology in India which led to the award of a Diploma in Ophthalmology certificate. He was awarded the Gold medal for topping the Diploma in Ophthalmology exit exam. He then joined the UK Specialist Registrar Ophthalmology programme and completed further training at: